How HTTPS Works (Actual Meaning of .key .csr and .crt)

Daham Positha Pathiraja
3 min readJan 15, 2018


Chain of Trust

Root Certificate Authorities(Root CAs)

Theses certificates are shipped with browsers.

Figure 1: Root CA list is shipped with web browser.

Intermediate Certificate Authorities(Intermediate CAs)

These are organizations which can issue certificates whose certificate themselves are signed by a Root CA.

Figure 2: Intermediate CA gets certificate signed from Root CA

What is Certificate Sign Request?

When Organization needs to sign a SSL certificate, they sends Certificate Signing Request(CSR) to Intermediate Certificate Authority.As the response Intermediate Certificate Authority sends

  • SSL certificate signed by the Intermediate CA.
  • Certificate of Intermediate CA signed by Root CA.

Following command will generate private key(.key)for the organization and also the certificate sign request(.csr)

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out
Figure 3: How browser makes Certificate Signing Request(CSR) and gets the response back

Certificate Sign Request outputs two files.One is [organization_domain_name].crt and the other one is intermediate.crt (If your Intermediate CA is GoDaddy is called gd-bundle-g2-.crt)

  • Computer can trust the certificate of Intermediate CA because it is signed by Root CA which is initially embedded into Web Browsers at manufacturing level.
  • So the SSL certificate of the organization can be now trusted because Intermediate CA certificate is a trusted one.

Above trust hierarchy is called Chain of Trust.

How HTTPS works?

Step 1

When browser sends a HTTPS request to the site it will send back both [organization_domain_name].crt and intermediate.crt to browser.Now intermediate.crt can be trusted by root CA listed in the browser and [organization_domain_name].crt can be trusted by the intermediate.crt. Ultimately the public key of organization is extracted by the browser.

Step 2:

Browser generates a symmetric key and sends to the site by encrypting it with the public key of organization.

Step 3:

Organization Server gets the symmetric key by decrypting it with its private key.Here after both parties use above symmetric key to encrypt data that they send each other.



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